The Ice People 1 – Spellbound

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Rafbók 2013 - 1.130 kr.

The Ice People 1 – Spellbound

1.130 kr.

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Rafbók 2013 - 1.130 kr.

Um bókina

In English eBook now for the first time – The Legend of the Ice People has already captivated 29 million readers across Europe.

Spellbound is the first volume in the Legend of the Ice People series

The year is 1581. Silje is only seventeen and the plague has already struck her entire family. Famished and perished and with two orphaned children to take care of, she approaches the pyres outside Trondheim to get some warmth into her body. Strangely enough, only one person offers to help Silje in the hour of need: It is a man of the Ice People whom Silje finds bestial and intimidating – but also immensely charming. The series about the Ice People is a moving legend of love and supernatural powers, and not least the struggle between good and evil…

The series about the Ice People is a moving legend of love and supernatural powers, and not least the struggle between good and evil.

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