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Books in English

The Codex Regius of the Poetic Edda - Konungsbók Eddukvæða
The Codex Regius of the Poetic Edda - Konungsbók Eddukvæða
12.390 kr.
Skúrinn / The Shed
Skúrinn / The Shed
6.790 kr.
Sympathetic Understanding
Sympathetic understanding
5.190 kr.
The Biking Book of Iceland
The Biking Book of Iceland
2.190 kr.
Mountain rides on Icelandic horses / Hófadynur á fjöllum
Mountain rides on Icelandic horses / Hófadynur á fjöllum
3.790 kr.
Vargöld - Book two
Vargöld - Book two
3.390 kr.
The Settlement of Iceland
The Settlement of Iceland
1.690 kr.
Is this news?
Is this news?
3.190 kr.
The Little Book of the Icelanders at Christmas
The Little Book of the Icelanders at Christmas
3.590 kr.
The Little Book of Days in Iceland
The Little Book of Days in Iceland
1.890 kr.
Hófí finds home
Hófí finds home
2.490 kr.
Hymns of the Passion
Hymns of the Passion
4.190 kr.
The Adventures of Mundi the Puffin
The Adventures of Mundi the Puffin
2.990 kr.
Norse gods
Norse gods
6.890 kr.
Iceland – Contrasts in Nature
Iceland – Contrasts in Nature
4.890 kr.
Hófí is born - Adventures with Icelandic Sheepdogs
Hófí is born
2.490 kr.
What is an artist
What is an artist
1.290 kr.
Photographing Iceland
Photographing Iceland
4.890 kr.
Icelandic handknits
Icelandic handknits
5.090 kr.

