Icelandic Food and Cookery

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2002 253 3.990 kr.

Icelandic Food and Cookery

3.990 kr.

Icelandic Food and Cookery
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2002 253 3.990 kr.

Um bókina

A cookbook that gives a taste of Iceland through a wealth of traditional and modern recipes, food history and lore. The book begins with a historical introduction to Icelandic food and cooking, from the Settlement to the modern Nordic kitchen. Festive food traditions are covered in a separate chapter but the main section of the book consists of recipes for popular Icelandic dishes, a virtual journey through local home cooking in the 20th century.

Most of the recipes come from the author’s own family or are sourced from old cookbooks and magazines. Every recipe is accompanied by historical information, personal anecdotes or sociological tidbits that serve to explain the dish and give the reader a sense of Icelandic home cooking and culture and how it has changed and evolved.

Nanna Rögnvaldardóttir was raised on a farm in northern Iceland and learned old traditions from her mother. She has published numerous popular cookbooks.

Tengdar bækur

1.990 kr.3.990 kr.
1.990 kr.
Pottur. panna og Nanna
1.990 kr.
Beint í ofninn - Nanna Rögnvaldardóttir
1.490 kr.
1.990 kr.
Eitthvað ofan á brauð
990 kr.
1.990 kr.
1.490 kr.
Heima hjá lækninum
3.999 kr.
Ketó: Hugmyndir - Uppskriftir - Skipulag
4.990 kr.
Borðum betur
999 kr.
5.590 kr.
Uppskriftabók Lillu frænku
990 kr.
4.999 kr.
2.990 kr.
Bakað með Elenoru Rós
1.999 kr.
800 - fastan
990 kr.1.490 kr.
Ketóflex 3-3-1
2.999 kr.
Vegan - Eldhús grænkerans
199 kr.

